Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy belated 1st Birthday, Parker

On May 1, my one and only grandson, Parker, turned the big one-year-old. And what fun thing would you like to do on your birthday. How about going to the doctor for your first annual checkup and getting two shots. Does this kid know how to party or what. He did pass his physical with flying colors(hmmm-flying colors sounds a lot like me), and he tilted the scale at a whopping 23 pounds and is 29 3/4 inches tall. I don't think he's ready for the NBA just yet.

By the way, the belated first birthday is for the blog and not for his actual birthday. Seems like I'm always busy, but better late than never.

Saturday, May 2, was the official birthday party with about 60 friends and relatives. We went over the night before to help with the setup which was going very well until we put three adults in charge to put together this new Fisher-Price slide, which on the box set simple to assemble in 10 minutes. 45 minutes later after this 180 pound grandpa jumped up and down on the last piece of the slide for five minutes, it was together. No matter how many times we went over the instructions we never did see that 180 pound guy jumping up and down on that slide, but sometimes you have to improvise. Anyway the slide does work and obviously it's pretty sturdy. Well, with all that hard work, that put me in my ritualistic napping on the couch for about an hour and a half that evening. Boy, what a party guy I am.

Also the day before and the morning of the big party, Jack's mom literally relandscaped the whole backyard. It really looked nice and there were quite a few of us who would like her to fix up our yards. My idea of a green thumb is sticking my thumb up my nose.

We were lucky to have fairly nice weather for May 2. It was mostly sunny and in the 50s but a little breezy, so we're able to be outside most of the time. We were warned ahead of time that Parker is not a big fan of loud happy birthday singing, especially with 60 off key individuals. We tried to sing quietly, but you just can't hide bad singing. it starts with the pout and then follows up with the screaming, but who could blame him. Fortunately, the screaming and singing didn't last long. Thank goodness mom was there to open the presents for him, otherwise I think we'd still be there. Anyway, the food was great, there was plenty to drink, and good company. And what better way to end the day than my ritualistic 1 and 1/2 hour nap on the couch. Still the party animal.

PS My daughter put some photos on Facebook of the birthday party and I believe a photo or two from the dress like Pogo party. Hopefully you can find the pictures, just don't ask me how since I have a tough time just turning on the computer.

Looking forward to a lot more birthdays with my little buddy.


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