Tuesday, April 28, 2009


What the heck is MONDO LUCHA. After being there for 3 1/2 hours at the old Turner Hall in downtown Milwaukee, I can honestly say that I am not sure. I went there with my daughter and son-in-law and the Bayview gang. Even though I was the old man of our group, the range in age at this event was probably from 21 to 80 years old. There were probably about 500 people there, and the best way to describe this is that this was a mixture of wrestling, burlesque, pole dancing, comedy and music. Our seats were three rows from the wrestling ring and not too far from the stage where other parts of entertainment were being held. I think the only way I can describe this is to go through the entire night's event.

It started out with a loud modern band that had the bass cranked up and literally vibrated the chairs, which actually felt pretty good. Then came a three on three wrestling match which was as "realistic"as professional wrestling, but these guys were a lot smaller and most of them wore some type of mask, plus you weren't really sure who is supposed to be the good guys or the bad guys. But being close enough to the action made it easier to yell out the jokes and the obscenities, which made it more entertaining. I believe there are a total of five wrestling matches which were divided up throughout the evening. The second match was a one-on-one, the third match was doubles which included one team with spiked hair that would use that as a weapon. And to make things even more competitive, the next doubles match was two guys against two gals. I believe one guy was over 200 pounds and the other guy was like his promoter agent was about 150 pounds while their opponents was about a 75 pound gal and the other gal probably tipped the scale at 170 pounds .After about 10 minutes, the 200 pound guy flattened out the 75 pound girl for the victory. The final match of the evening was for the belt that was held by the Irish brothers who were pitted against the Sasquatch and the clown. You talk about cheesy looking outfits. Anyway, we got to witness the dethroning of the Irish brothers. Other wrestling mask and disguises were the Billy goat and the salamander and I'm sure there are others but my brain can't pick them up at this time.

In between the wrestling there was various entertainment, with most of it being burlesque with the old striptease and the tassels. They did this about six times with half the time being a group of three, included singing while they were doing it plus they came in all shapes and sizes. And in the category of weird, the gal who went solo a few times involved her being dressed as an Indian and slaying a guy in a rabbit suit and then scalping said rabbit and using the scalp to cover her goodies while she danced around. Other entertainment included "Clownvis Presley", who is supposed to be the only Elvis Presley clown, magician, impersonator. The extent of his magic was pulling streamers out of his mouth each time he came into the ring, and as far as the clown part, he had a red clown nose and as far as his singing, it was the standard Elvis, but I don't think he finished any songs. Probably the most entertaining part for the crowd was when they brought this 10 foot pole on stage and these two rather large woman would do all these moves and gyrations on the pole. It was really quite amazing on how those large gals could defy gravity like that, but I can only imagine that they have to have a severe case of pole burn from some of those moves. There were no breaks or intermissions, so they kept it rolling and the good news was that the drinks were cheap. 16 ounce Pabst for only three dollars.

So the best way to describe this evening was that it was different. It was a good time and I'm glad I went but I think that going to this once was more than enough times.


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