Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Cleveland Experince

I flew to Cleveland on a Tuesday by myself, not expecting any problems, based on my conversations with the people d0ing the study. I stayed in the downtown area which was a very nice place. The architecture and downtown area reminds me a lot of Milwaukee, plus they are also right along the lake. I spent Tuesday cruising the downtown area where they have all their professional sports teams stadiums which includes football, baseball, and basketball. This was during the NBA playoffs and baseball was in full swing, so it was a pretty active area. The next day, I took a bus and visited some museums. Little did I know, that these are the last two days that I would be able to walk around and do the things that everybody takes for granted. On the day before the surgery I went in for testing, and was told that I was in excellent health physically and mentally and that you are a good candidate for this new conservative procedure. Unfortunately, that is where the good part of the story ends. After going under for the surgery the next thing I remember is waking up in ICU with no movement on my left side. The neurosurgeon didn't seem overly concerned, but then again it was my left side and not his. I cannot recall a worse feeling than having someone lift your arm and just have it fall by your side. Also,not being able to move your toes. It is a very helpless feeling and very frustrating especiallywhen you're so used to being very active. And of course,there was only one of 30 people who went though the study that ended up with paralysis and I was the unlucky one. This was also a very emotional time for me, which is something new. I would just break down and start crying several times a day. Some of this was from my present condition, but most of it was when I was talking to family. My wife, who has become become' the rock', flew out within a day to be with me, which really helped. It is amazing how strong she has become and how she doesn't take no for an answer. I could not ask for a better partner and when I'm all better, we are really going to enjoy life together. While there, she was constantly on the phone with social workers, doctors, and nurses, to make sure that everything was being taken care of and like I said before, she refused to take no for an answer. If not for her, I would probably still be in Cleveland.

Friday, July 24, 2009

he is still alive and kicking

Just a short note to let everyone know that I am back to blogging my microphone had malfunctioned and now I got this really big one which actually works. So I got a lot catching up to do.In my last blog, I mentioned that I qualified for a study which was a new technique to treat the type of brain cancer I had. There were two tumors left and thet opted to go after the largest one.Being in excellent shape,they had little concerns and scheduled surgery for Thursday and expected me to head back on that Saturday and be able to play tennis by Monday. But unfortunately there was a complication. I developed paralysis on my entire left side, which was supposed to be less than 5% risk, and of course I was the only one in the study who developed paralysis.they say that everything should get back to normal, but it will take a lot of rehab. So that's why you haven't heard from me for awhile .They should be coming back a little more regularly now. Talk to you soon.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Need Your Help!

Greetings from Pogo's daughter Jessie. We are holding a fundraiser for Pogo on Sunday September 20, 2009 at The Root River Center.
7220 W Rawson Ave
Franklin, WI 53132
From 1:00-6:00
Silent Auction
Open Bowling & More!

If you cannot attend this event and wish to make a donation to the family, please copy & paste the link below. It will take you to paypal where you can make a donation in any amount.
Thank you for your continued love & support!