Friday, April 24, 2009

Pogo, that social butterfly

Well that's slow moving Caterpillar who went into the cocoon stage for a while has finally broken out and taken wing. He is back about 50% physically, but 100% socially. It all started the previous week when I combined five straight days and evenings of social and physical activities.

I got to watch a little bit of the Wednesday tennis group that I was in. The boys looked pretty good(at tennis, that is-didn't want anyone to think I was getting weird), and I can see it's going to be a while before I get back to that level. However, the part after tennis, which includes fermented beverages needs no help at all. Thank goodness, I have a designated driver, because there is a rumor going on that alcohol and brain tumors don't mix well. But I've got quite a bit more testing to do on that.

So the next day, I tested that theory out again, but threw in a little physical activity and actually played some real games of tennis. The legs and the game appear to be improving tremendously, however, the legs are coming along a little more slowly than the tennis game. Oh by the way, the beer went down fine that night too.

On Friday, I finally got to test out my golf swing, way way way back in my backyard. I'm happy to report that I was able to hang on to the club, so no people or stray animals were hurt, plus I preserved the new windows that we had recently put in. I use the little plastic balls which took off in a variety of directions but after a while they seem to go straighter. Hopefully this weekend, I will be able to get to the driving range and put more people at risk.

On Friday night, I did more research on the beer and brain theory. We had a makeup food tasting for my daughter's wedding. Not only did we finish the test foods, by the way which was mostly me, we followed that up with a fish fry, and it takes a lot of beer to wash down any stray fish bones.

On Saturday afternoon, we had our vintage baseball team meeting and practice. I am happy to report that I can still hit a baseball, not with quite the pop that I had in the past but a lot better than I expected. The fielding was a different story. Since we don't use gloves, catching with a dead left hand was a little difficult. However I did excel at waiting for the ball to stop rolling and then picking it up and throwing it back in. I think it's going to be tough for them to find a spot to hide me in the field, but on the bright side there's a lot of potential for some hilarious situations.

On Saturday night, we had our annual preseason Pogo softball party at my place. The theme for the night was "dress like Pogo". As you can imagine, it was a very colorful night. Most people came prepared, but just in case, I had our entire front window covered with the Pogo Hawiaan Collection. If I can figure out how to get those pictures on Facebook, I'll put in the team picture plus our version of Where's Waldo called Where's Pogo which is a photo of me standing in front of the window with all those shirts in the background. My daughter, who took the picture is still suffering from retina burn. As part of the entertainment that night we had photos over the past 30 years that were loaded onto a disk and played constantly on the big screen all evening. What is really amazing is how much hair everyone used to have and how much less fat was around the midsection. The only logical explanation is camera distortion. This night also happen to be the most comprehensive test to see if the fermented beverage and brain tumor don't mix. But I'm glad to say that I passed with flying colors( like butterfly wing's). How was that for a correlation. Now that I think of it, I have not had a headache from any source since I had the tumor removed. Maybe I just needed a little extra room up there.

Sunday was a little anti-climactic, but I did manage to squeeze in an hour and a half of tennis drills and a couple more fermented beverages. This was a good test for the summer. Looking forward to this weekend where I will be attending something downtown but I'm not sure what it is. I will report in the next blog on what that was all about.

For now, this is Pogo signing off, sober and out.


  1. I am sure Brad can help you with posting pictures on Facebook. Or does he just do video "moving pictures"?

    Your Sis, Carol

  2. Forgot to add. Join up Old Chicago (a beer place). I am just 3 beers shy of earning my first Beer World tour T-shirt for Cino de Mayo (Miyo?). 8 beers on that tour. Nope not all at once and I had help from friends.

    Your Sis, and control group for your beer test.

