Saturday, April 24, 2010

St. Lukes Hospital attacks again

I think this hospital has it out for me. When showing up for my infusion last Thursday they put out that trip wire again, which are these mats that have sticky spots and therefore when I try to stride forward my foot gets caught and I go straight down. This time I took a layer of skin off my left elbow and bruised a rib on my left side which is preventing me from my exercising and walking and we might as well throw in breathing, sneezing, coughing, bending and laughing which is the real killer. So until I get better, I will be using the wheelchair to get around instead of walking.

I went to see my regular doctor about the sores on the lower half of my left leg from wearing that gadget that helps me walk. They put me on antibiotics, and we are wrappingt the open sores with dry nonstick pads and placing a corticosteroid on the rest of the tissue which is red and irratated. It has greatly improved and can now sleep, without going nuts from the sores touching anything. So there is light at the end of the tunnel. I also finally got a chance to get that brace checked out, and based on the problems I've been having, they are going to adjust and correct a few things and have it ready by Monday, so hopefully those sores will be a thing of the past.

Last night I went out for dinner and a movie with two friends from my softball team. We went to see AVATAR at the IMAX theater, which was pretty cool and then we went to SERB HALL for a fish fry.

Tonight, we're going out to dinner at Applebee's with two couples that I graduated with from dental school. I know they have good salads there, which is why I picked the place. It's possible that we may come back to our place afterwards.

Sue is doing very well now. We have her on a staycation, which is our term for someone who can stay at home and not have to worry about doing any work. Between family and friends, we are giving her a nice break from me, so she has been able to relax and enjoy having some freedom.

With summer coming up, the social calendar should start filling up. Softball is supposed to start this coming Thursday but as of today we still have not received our schedules which makes it difficult to plan parties and make sure we have enough people for the first game.

Otherwise, not much else to report, and as usual and still doing fine and feeling good.


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